Global Health Experts Reveal Shocking Gaps in Climate Change Plans—World Health Assembly Takes Urgent Action!

Published: August 17, 2024

Global Health Experts Reveal Shocking Gaps in Climate Change Plans—World Health Assembly Takes Urgent Action!


Urgent Climate-Health Crisis

The climate crisis represents an immediate threat to global health, with human-caused climate changes triggering extreme weather events, disease outbreaks, and weakening health systems. Despite the Paris Agreement’s goal to restrict global warming to 1.5°C, current data predicts this limit may be breached by the early 2030s.

Recent climate finance has reached the US$100 billion/year mark. However, a mere 1% is directed towards health protection. This gap between climate change policies and health measures leaves communities vulnerable and overlooks chances to build a healthier, sustainable future.

The 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) addressed this pressing issue by adopting the WHA77.14 Resolution on climate change and health. This resolution mandates the creation of a global WHO plan of action that aligns with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control and the Paris Agreement.

This comprehensive plan aims to integrate climate considerations into WHO’s technical work across all organizational levels, emphasizing the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation to effectively tackle the climate-health emergency.

Health Community’s Role

The consultation process is designed to ensure that the health community’s voices are reflected in the Global Plan of Action on Climate Change and Health. Through interactive discussions, participants can share experiences, provide feedback, and contribute to the plan’s development.

The insights from health professionals are invaluable in shaping a robust response to the global climate-health emergency. Their experiences and expertise will be crucial in forming a plan that is both comprehensive and effective.

Key elements of this consultation include:

  • Interactive discussions to gather feedback
  • Opportunities to share personal experiences and insights
  • Collaborative sessions to formulate the Global Plan of Action

By involving the health community, the WHO ensures that the plan addresses real-world challenges and leverages the collective knowledge of experts dedicated to public health.

Resolving Disconnects

A significant challenge identified is the disconnect between climate change policy and health protection. This gap leaves populations at risk and misses out on opportunities to create a sustainable future. The new WHO plan seeks to bridge this divide by integrating health considerations into climate policies.

The Global Plan of Action aims to expand WHO’s ongoing work and mandate, in alignment with the WHO Global Strategy on Health, Environment, and Climate Change. This initiative is also part of the WHO’s Fourteenth General Programme of Work 2025-2028 (GPW14).

By addressing these disconnects, the plan hopes to enhance the resilience of health systems against climate impacts and foster a more sustainable and healthy global community.

Health professionals’ input is crucial in identifying the gaps and proposing actionable solutions that can be implemented on a global scale. Their involvement ensures that the plan is grounded in practical realities and scientific expertise.

Future Pathways

As the world faces an escalating climate crisis, it becomes imperative to address the health implications of climate change. The WHA’s resolution and the upcoming Global Plan of Action are steps toward a coordinated response that integrates health and climate strategies.

Interactive consultations will help refine the plan, making it comprehensive and inclusive of diverse perspectives. The goal is to create a plan that not only addresses current challenges but also anticipates future climate-health interactions.

With the health community’s active participation, the Global Plan of Action aims to be a robust framework that guides international efforts in mitigating health risks associated with climate change.

The collective effort of health professionals, policymakers, and international organizations will be critical in ensuring the plan’s success and in building a healthier, more resilient future for all.


  • adeline_horizon

    Interesting read, but how do they plan to measure the success of this new global plan?

  • Arianna

    This is great news! Thank you to all the health professionals who are working tirelessly to protect our future. 🌍

  • Zoey_Destiny

    Finally some action! But will this plan have enough funding to make a real impact?

  • Does the WHA77.14 Resolution include specific measures to protect vulnerable populations affected by climate change?

  • Great initiative! How can local communities get involved in contributing to this Global Plan of Action?

  • ezekiel

    It’s about time! What took them so long to realize the gap between climate policy and health protection? 🤔

  • Wow, only 1% of climate finance goes to health protection? That’s insane! When will the WHO start implementing the new plan?

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